Here is a picture of Sara with a great big smile, as she plays in the water park.
There she goes off to play in the water.
This is a pastel picture of Sara smiling while she is playing in the water park. I selected this picture to draw with pastel because the way she looks when playing in the water park. I have made the because of the unique challenge to the picture. And to find the emotions that ascent of the picture.
With a smile, hop and a skip. She jumps and run around through the water at the water park.
That the give the unique charter to it. I like to study the different muscle and bone pattern within the figure. And the facial expressions to the, face in the mouth and eyes which are key the picture.
The bathing suit and the wrinkle patterns together with the colors of the dots patterns in the bathing suit which will make the picture. Which make the picture come alive and involve you.
Here is little Chirsty running around, having fun.
This is a picture of Chirsty running to the water to have fun. I selected to draw with pastel to see Chirsty having fun with water. I would like to see some of the unique challenge to the picture. And to find the emotions that ascent of the picture. That the give the unique charter to it. I like to study the different muscle and bone pattern within her.
Here is a pastel picture of Chirsty, dancing around in the water.
And the expressions she has, and the emotion personalty she has to her. The bathing suit and the wrinkle pattern together with the dote in the bathing suit, which will make the picture. Which make the picture come alive and involve you. Gallery Posts
There is some gallery post you might want to see.
I have five in my post with Sara and Chirsty dance recital. A good gallery that you will enjoy.
There is another one you might want to see, Sara and Chisrty pool party.